• Prime Health Centre, 2-332, near Pantaloons showroom, Sector A, Jankipuram.
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    opening hours
    Mon-Sat- 10:00 – 2:30 PM,
    05:30 – 7:30 PM

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    099195 37575

Adolescent Counseling


Adolescent Counseling

Adolescence is a period that begins with puberty and ends with the transition to adulthood (approximately ages 10–20). During this period of maturation, a person goes through various physical, psychological, social, identity and relationship changes.žOnein five individuals in the world today is an • This is the most important period in one’s life as it giveslast chance to correct the growth lag and malnutrition. adolescent (around 1.2 billion).

Biological changes or Puberty-

  • Growth spurt or Increase in height
  • Breast development
  • Hair growth in underarms and private parts
  • Menstruation

Other changes are-

  • Develop their own identity
  • Acquire logical reasoning
  • Enjoy the company of peers.
  • Mood swings and show strong feelings and emotions.
  • Menstruation
  • Relationships and intimacy with opposite sex.
  • Risk taking behaviours

Adolescent issues

  • Menstrual problems like irregular menses, excessive prolonged bleeding, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea etc
  • Vaginal infections, STDs and other infection
  • Anemia and Nutritional deficiencies
  • PCOD – Obesity & overweight
  • Ignorance about sex and sexuality, unsafe sex
  • Vaccinations
  • Sexual abuse
  • Ignorance about contraception
  • Adolescent pregnancy
  • Emotional & Behavioral problem
  • Substance abuse like smoking, alcohol & drugs
  • Identity problems.