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Post Delivery Care


Post Delivery Care

The postpartum period basically begins after the birth of the baby and ends until the returning of the mother’s body to the pre-pregnant state. This period ideally lasts up to six to eight weeks after the delivery. Taking care during postpartum weeks is necessary to ensure a quick recovery. During this period the mother may encounter a number of emotional and physical changes while managing to take care of the newborn.

This healing period for mothers basically Involves following things

Diet– in case of normal delivery mother should be given energy drink in the form of milk, juices or coconut water immediately. Afterwards normal diet can be give. In case of c-section fluid are given after 6 hours of operation. After that depending upon mothers condition soft diet and full diet is started.

Rest & sleep– she requires adequate rest and sleep after delivery. Try to sleep when your newborn sleeps.

Care of breast before and after feeding– Nipple and areola should be cleaned before and after feed with cotton swab soaked in lukeworm water.

Bladder care– Mother should be encouraged to pass urine after 2-3 hours and then 3 to 4 hourly in case of normal delivery. In case of c-section patient is cathaterized and cathatr is kept for 24 hours to 48 hours.

Bowel care– Avoid straining while passing stools. If costipated she should take stool softners or laxatives.

Care of vulva & episiotomy wound– After normal delivery or c-section Maxipads which can absorb more blood should be used. and it should be changed at least twice a day or when soaked. Normally perineum or vulva should be cleaned with antiseptic twice a day.

If Episiotomy is given during delivery then wound should be washed with betadine lotion after passing urine or motion every time. episiotomy wound dressing is done with antiseptic ointment two times a day.

wound care after c- section– Most of the time nowadays internal stitches which gets dissolved are placed in the skin.Normally after cesarean section wound is dressed after 2 to 3 days and is kept open and antiseptic ointment can be applied once or twice a day and when the wound is kept open daily bath can be taken and after that antiseptic ointment can be applied.

Postnatal visits– In case of normal delivery a patient is usually discharged on the second or third day and called again after 5 days and then after 6 weeks. In case of cesarean section the patient is normally discharged on the third or fourth day and again called on the 9th day and then after 6 weeks. Contraceptive advice is also given during these visits.