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Here comes the moment you have been waiting for!! Giving birth to a child is a challenging process and sometimes becomes complicated.

Types of Delivery

Normal vaginal Delivery

Vaginal delivery is the birth of offspring or babies in humans through the vagina (also called the “birth canal”). It is the natural method of birth for all mammals.

It basically constitutes three stages of labor;

  • the shortening and cervical dilatation or opening,
  • gradual descent and birth of the baby and
  • Delivery or expulsion of placenta.

Types of Vaginal Delivery:

A spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) occurs when a pregnant female goes into labor without the use of drugs or techniques to induce labor, and delivers her baby in the normal manner, without forceps, vacuum extraction, or a cesarean section.

An assisted vaginal delivery (AVD) or instrumental vaginal delivery occurs when a pregnant female goes into labor (with or without the use of drugs or techniques to induce labor), and requires the use of special instruments such as forceps or a vacuum extractor to deliver her baby vaginally.

An induced vaginal delivery is a delivery involving labor induction, where drugs or manual techniques are used to initiate the process of labor..

Painless Normal Vaginal Delivery

Painless delivery refers to the use of an epidural injection which is given by an anaesthesiologist for pain relief during labour. It is injected in the lower back, and a plastic tube is placed through which drugs are released around the spinal cord.

Cesarean Delivery

Cesarean delivery, also known as C-section delivery is a surgical procedure in which the infant is delivered by making an incision in the mother’s uterus and abdomen rather than by achieving the delivery through the vagina. The number of serious medical conditions such as abnormal fetus position, abnormal fetal heart rate, placental complications, and failure in the progression of labour may make the Cesarean delivery a necessary procedure to be conducted.


Pregnancy and child birth is the happiest moment in the life of every woman.Therefore, try staying healthy and happy as much as possible. Schedule timely check-ups, eat nutritious food and above all consult an expert health care professional to ensure well being of yourself and the baby.