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Pregnancy Care and management


Pregnancy Care and management

Pregnancy care entails providing good care to expectant mothers before (prenatal care), during and after birth (postpartum care). It involves providing education and treatment for ensuring the healthy growth of the baby as well as the mother.

Antenatal care (prenatal care)

Antenatal care (prenatal care)

Prenatal care is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Early and regular prenatal care mitigates the chances of uncertainties and complications during pregnancy. It leads to a safe and healthy delivery with a healthy mother and healthy baby.. Scheduling regular prenatal visits can help your doctor identify complications well in time. Moreover, it will help the moms-to-be to monitor their health. It is one of the best ways to ensure that your little one gets a healthy start. Prenatal care basically includes the intake of good nutrition and the adoption of healthy habits before and during pregnancy. Prenatal Care starts three months prior to conceiving. The healthy habits required to be followed during this period include:

  • Restraining smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Maintaining distance from all toxic substances at home and work.
  • Consuming 400 to 500 micrograms of folic acid supplements on a regular basis

Antenatal care (prenatal care)

Pregnancy and giving birth to a baby are natural processes going on all the time all over the globe. Regular check ups are required to detect comorbidities like Gestational Diabetes, High Blood pressure, Thyroid disorders etc or complications early and treat them in time. Pregnancy is a very crucial period in the life of the expectant mother. Therefore, we assure you that you will be in the best hands during this Period. We will take care of all your issues to lend you the best experience
Once you visit your Gynecologist for the first visit your baseline weight, blood pressure, height etc will be recorded and your detailed examination and few basic tests will be ordered. After that your further visits will be scheduled as follows-

  • Every month for first six months of pregnancy
  • Every two weeks during the seventh and eighth months of pregnancy
  • Additionally, during these visits your doctor will assess your as well as your baby’s health by conducting checkups for the following:
  • Weight and blood pressure
  • Monitoring fetal heart rate and growth and wellbeing of fetus
  • Conducting blood test for detecting HIV, anemia and Rh factor, blood sugar level etc
  • Discussing special diet and exercise requirements.

Don’ts of Pregnancy-

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Do not take any medicine without consulting your Doctor
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Avoid smoking and Alcohol
  • Avoid travelling especially in first three months and last months of pregnancy

High risk factors are-

  • Recurrent Miscarriages
  • diabetes
  • negative Rh blood group
  • Thyroid disorders
  • bleeding in pregnancy
  • high blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Kidney disease
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Pregnancy associated with HIV/AIDS
  • preterm changes in the cervix
  • poor fetal growth
  • oligoamnios
  • Elderly mother
  • These conditions require extra care and treatment with specific delivery plan.