• Prime Health Centre, 2-332, near Pantaloons showroom, Sector A, Jankipuram.
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    05:30 – 7:30 PM

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Recurrent Miscarriage


Recurrent Miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage refers to the loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies. More than three consecutive miscarriages are considered to be a serious medical condition and require thorough physical examination and investigations.

Possible Causes

  • chromosomal or genetic abnormalities
  • imbalance in pregnancy hormones
  • Cervical weakness or congenital uterine anomalies
  • blood clotting disorders

Risk Factors

  • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Diabetes mellitus

Care after recurrent miscarriages

Following the recurrent miscarriages, your health professional will conduct certain investigations to know the cause. In 50 % no cause can be detected. However, early antenatal checkups and tender loving care during such circumstances can be of great help.s